

How We Support SEND

Durham Trinity School & Sports College prides itself on being inclusive and will endeavour to support every child regardless of their level of need. All pupils follow a curriculum pathway which is designed to support pupils across the four key areas of need which are highlighted within the Education, Health & Care Plan. When it is felt appropriate and necessary, modifications to the curriculum may be implemented to help support individual pupils.

To ensure pupils are successful and make progress across their curriculum pathway school will:

  • Ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to access the school curriculum and extra-curricular activities.
  • Help all pupils achieve their maximum potential, despite any difficulty or disability they may have.
  • Ensure that teaching staff are aware of and sensitive to the needs of all pupils, teaching pupils in a way that is more appropriate to their needs.
  • Pupils to gain in confidence and improve their self-esteem.
  • To work in partnership with parents/ carers, pupils and relevant external agencies in order to provide for children’s special educational needs and disabilities.
  • To identify at the earliest opportunity, all children that need special consideration to support their needs (whether these are educational, social, physical or emotional)
  • To make suitable provision for children with SEND to fully develop their abilities, interests and aptitudes and gain maximum access to the curriculum.
  • To promote self-worth and enthusiasm by encouraging independence at all age and ability levels.
  • To give every child the entitlement to a sense of achievement.
  • To regularly review the policy and practice in order to achieve best practice.


At Durham Trinity School and Sports College we have extensive experience of supporting pupils with a range of special educational needs within the four key areas of the EHCP, these are; cognition and learning, communication and interaction, social and emotional, and physical and sensory. It is important to highlight that each individual special educational need is matched with specific provision.

In addition, some pupils also have discrete Sensory and/or Physical Difficulties. These pupils may access additional individual support from the Local Authority SEND and Inclusion Service such as Multi-sensory team who supports children with specific visual and hearing difficulties and disabilities.

The school provides data on the levels and types of need to the Local Authority. This is collected through the school census.

The school population via SEND type in September 2023-2024 is:

  • Moderate Learning Difficulties –3% of pupils.
  • Severe Learning Difficulties – 31% of pupils.
  • Communication Disorders including Autism – 58% of pupils.
  • Profound & Multiple Learning Difficulties – 12% of pupils.

This information changes as/when pupils receive a new diagnosis or their prime special educational need changes.