Welcome to Durham Trinity School and Sports College. We are a generic special school educating pupils 2-19 years of age, who are autistic or have profound, moderate, severe or complex learning difficulties. Some pupils also have additional medical, physical, sensory, linguistic or behavioural challenges. All pupils at Durham Trinity School and Sports College have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).

We are situated on the outskirts of Durham City Centre. Durham Trinity is a relatively new purpose-built school, we are continuously adapting the physical environment to ensure we are meeting the changing needs of the school population. During the summer holidays (2023) we added an additional classroom in our specialist autistic provision, by removing our science lab, because there is no longer a formal pathway at Durham Trinity School. The pupils have access to specialist rooms and facilities such as a sensory room, hydrotherapy pool, food technology, fitness suite, Create and Make room and a newly furbished (May 2024) soft play room.

To enhance the curriculum and allow pupils to thrive in their interests and strengths, whilst encouraging them to take risks, we relaunched our Friday afternoon enrichment activities in November 2023; to include additional clubs such as Bush Craft, Dance and Duke of Edinburgh. Outdoor Play and Learning (OPAL) was relaunched in January 2024, which led to the appointment of a Play Lead to develop the school grounds, resource provision, support staff development whilst ensuring health and safety is followed.

In May 2023 we launched our new Curriculum Toolkit to support the delivery of our 3-curriculum pathways to ensure the needs of the diverse school population are met academically, emotionally and physically; whilst providing challenge and support to ensure they are prepared for the next stage in their development, and preparing them for life. Please click on this link to access more information about our Curriculum; including Reading, Careers, Relationship Sex Education (RSE) and Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC).

We are a Sports College, providing an excellent provision that develops pupils’ physical skills and mental wellbeing, educating them about leading a healthy lifestyle, whilst having fun! Pupils have opportunities to access non-competitive and competitive sporting activities throughout the school year. In 2022-23 we introduced our Gifted and Talented Sports Group who access additional PE lessons, experiencing different sports with a number of specialist coaches and staff. This provision will continue into 2024/25.

We provide a Further Education Unit (FEU- Post 16) on site where the excellent provision continues until they are 19 years of age. The students have access to their own common room with many opportunities to access the community, to prepare them for their next stage in life. However, due to demand for school places we are currently working with Durham County Council to identify and provide an additional site for our Post 16 provision.

Our greatest resource is the staff. They are supportive and highly skilled in SEND, supporting pupils throughout the school day to ensure they achieve their goals and

become as independent as possible. Together with pupils, families and other agencies, we work together to ensure the best outcomes for our pupils.

More information can be found about our SEND report, SEND provision and the teaching, learning and curriculumin the SEND section on the website. Also available in Key Information is specific staff to contact if you require further information or support whilst your young person attends Durham Trinity. Please click on the link to see our Key Information page.

There is a new section on our website to raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing, click on the link here to explore this web page which signposts young people, parent and carers to additional information.

For parents/carers considering our school as a future option for their young person, you are encouraged to contact school and make arrangements to visit our school. We would be delighted to meet you and answer any queries you may have, whilst there is further information in Key Information; School Admissions.

For existing parents/carers, we hope the website gives you additional information about the curriculum and supports your young person whilst attending Durham Trinity School and Sports College.

If you require a paper copy of any of the policies or documents that are on our website, please contact Louise Hindmarch at the school office on 0191 386 4612.

Mrs Rachel Grimwood


December 2024

  • Absence periods for specific illnesses:To all parents/carers, We would like to remind you of the exclusion times required for specific illnesses. Please see attached a handy poster you can save which gives you clear information to refer to in the future.  

    January 21st, 2025

    Absence periods for specific illnesses:

    To all parents/carers,

    We would like to remind you of the exclusion times required for specific illnesses.

    Please see attached a handy poster you can save which gives you clear information to refer to in the future.


  • Beacon House - Winter Resources:Dear Parents/Carers,   As we are approaching the Christmas break, we know that some of our young people may struggle over this period for a host of different reasons including: changes to routine increase in social situations (e.g. visiting family members) sensory overload  Unpredictable situations (e.g. Queues in shops, traffic etc) There are some great resources available to families to use with their young person at https://beaconhouse.org.uk/winter-resources/   A particular favourite from our perspective would be the 'Managing the Christmas Sensory Overload' resources, that are attached below.    Feel free to explore the resources, as there may be something you find very useful.    Kind regards, Mr Jack Peacock

    December 18th, 2024

    Beacon House - Winter Resources:
    Dear Parents/Carers,
    As we are approaching the Christmas break, we know that some of our young people may struggle over this period for a host of different reasons including:
    • changes to routine
    • increase in social situations (e.g. visiting family members)
    • sensory overload 
    • Unpredictable situations (e.g. Queues in shops, traffic etc)
    There are some great resources available to families to use with their young person at https://beaconhouse.org.uk/winter-resources/
    A particular favourite from our perspective would be the 'Managing the Christmas Sensory Overload' resources, that are attached below. 
    Feel free to explore the resources, as there may be something you find very useful. 
    Kind regards,
    Mr Jack Peacock

  • Reporting Absences:Dear Parents/Carers,   We would like to remind you to report your child as absent as early as possible each day of their absence. Please call the absence line on 0191 386 4612 and leave a message with their name and a reason for absence .   Our school policy states:  If a pupil is going to be absent from school the person who should be informed is:  School reception as early as possible on the morning and leave a message or speak to a member of the office team.     Messages should not be passed on to taxi escorts or third parties. Information should come direct to school from a parent/carer.      Additionally, if your child is absent with diarrhoea or vomiting, the NHS guidance 'Is my child too ill for school?' states that: Children with diarrhoea or vomiting should stay away from school until they have not been sick or had diarrhoea for at least 2 days (48 hours).    The website where you can find more information about common illnesses and conditions can be found by following this link: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/   Please see attached our Attendance Policy Statement Document, giving you further information and Safeguarding relating to attendance.   If you have any further queries, please contact us and we will be happy to discuss things with you.

    December 10th, 2024

    Reporting Absences:
    Dear Parents/Carers,
    We would like to remind you to report your child as absent as early as possible each day of their absence. Please call the absence line on 0191 386 4612 and leave a message with their name and a reason for absence .
    Our school policy states: 
    If a pupil is going to be absent from school the person who should be informed is:  School reception as early as possible on the morning and leave a message or speak to a member of the office team.  
    Messages should not be passed on to taxi escorts or third parties. Information should come direct to school from a parent/carer. 
    Additionally, if your child is absent with diarrhoea or vomiting, the NHS guidance 'Is my child too ill for school?' states that: Children with diarrhoea or vomiting should stay away from school until they have not been sick or had diarrhoea for at least 2 days (48 hours). 
    The website where you can find more information about common illnesses and conditions can be found by following this link: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/is-my-child-too-ill-for-school/
    Please see attached our Attendance Policy Statement Document, giving you further information and Safeguarding relating to attendance.
    If you have any further queries, please contact us and we will be happy to discuss things with you.

  • Christmas Jumper Day: WEDNESDAY 18TH December                     Christmas Jumper Day  Dear Parents & Carers,  On Wednesday 18th December we are celebrating Christmas Jumper Day in school. We are asking for a voluntary contribution and all donations received will be for our school. We look forward to seeing lots of wonderful jumpers. Durham Trinity Staff

    December 10th, 2024

    Christmas Jumper Day:

     WEDNESDAY 18TH December

                        Christmas Jumper Day

     Dear Parents & Carers, 

    On Wednesday 18th December we are celebrating Christmas Jumper Day in school.

    We are asking for a voluntary contribution and all donations received will be for our school.

    We look forward to seeing lots of wonderful jumpers.

    Durham Trinity Staff

  • Reindeer Run Sponsorship Money: Well done to everyone who took part in the Reindeer Run and Walk last week. Please can we ask that all sponsorship money is returned to school by Friday 13th December   Many thanks

    December 9th, 2024

    Reindeer Run Sponsorship Money:

    Well done to everyone who took part in the Reindeer Run and Walk last week.

    Please can we ask that all sponsorship money is returned to school by Friday 13th December


    Many thanks


  • Year 9 Immunisations

    February 18th, 2025

    Year 9 Immunisations - Tetanus, Diphtheria & Polio (Td/IPV) & Meningitis ACWY

    Meeting Room
  • Spring Half Term

    February 24th, 2025

    Spring Half Term

  • Parents Evening Early Years/Primary Semi-formal and Specialist Autism Pathways

    March 24th, 2025

    Early Years/Primary Semi-formal and Specialist Autism Pathways Parents Evening Monday 24th March 2025 4:00pm-6:00pm

    Letters will be sent home to book appointments early March 2025

  • Parents Evening Secondary and Post 16 Semi-formal Pathway, and Pre-formal Pathway

    March 27th, 2025

    Secondary and Post 16 Semi-formal Pathway, and Pre-formal Pathway Parents Evening Thursday 27th March 2025 between 4:00pm-6:00pm

    Letters will be sent home to book appointments early March 2025

  • Easter Holiday

    April 14th, 2025

    Easter Holiday


Absence periods for specific illnesses

To all parents/carers,

We would like to remind you of the exclusion times required for specific illnesses.

Please see attached a handy poster you can save which gives you clear information to refer to in the future.


January 21st, 2025 / December 27th, 2025