


Our thoughts on curriculum design are that the current school cohort (and indeed, cohorts for the foreseeable future) are not best served by the National Curriculum. Our experience, concurring with a number of outstanding special schools has led us to adopt a much more flexible and personalised approach, which has seen our curriculum change to effectively meet the needs of the pupils. Our learners are at the centre of our curriculum design.

We have a Preparation for Life curriculum where we teach pupils the knowledge and skills to enable them to successfully access the world around them, with an overarching sequential framework of outcomes that pupils work towards. The aim is to prepare pupils for the next stage of their development and for their subsequent steps in life. For some this may be college or work-based learning, whilst for others it may be preparing them for life with as much relative independence and relevant communication skills, to ensure their safety and enrich their lives.

The focal point of the curriculum is the EHCP process, a robust procedure that combines the Preparation for Life framework, views of parents/carers and professionals, as well as pupil voice, to decide upon appropriate key stage outcomes, which we ultimately assess against in an ipsative manner.  The key stage outcomes are broken down into yearly Steps to Success and then termly, personalised Learning Intentions, which we track progress towards on a termly basis.

Individual Learning Intentions and therefore EHCP outcomes are carefully threaded into our contextual and sequential planning, to engage pupils through stimulating focus areas, which provide opportunities to successfully develop their knowledge and skills.

To support Teachers in their individual understanding of pupils, we developed Progression Step Continuums in the four broad areas of need, plus Maths and Reading, giving teachers an extremely detailed understanding of a pupil’s current developmental stage and therefore how learning needs to be presented to them.

In addition to staff knowledge and expertise, we use the Equals Curriculum guidance for children with severe, complex and profound needs.  These guidance documents provide appropriate areas of learning and inform around the most effective pedagogical approaches at different stages of development.


As we have such a diverse cohort and range of needs amongst our pupils, it is essential that our curriculum reflects this.  It is our intention to provide curriculum pathways that are focussed on the destinations of our exceptional pupils. This may be to prepare them for the next stage of their development or for their subsequent steps in life. For some this may be college or work-based learning, whilst for others it may be preparing them for adulthood with as much relative independence and communication skills, to ensure their safety and enrich their lives.

We have implemented a 3-tiered approach to our curriculum as set out on the next page, although we are aware that a combination of approaches is required at times to meet more multifaceted needs.


Pre-Formal Curriculum

A highly individualised approach, providing a suitable learning environment to meet the profound, medical and complex needs of pupils. We aim to promote relative independence, whilst developing engagement, communication strategies and choice making, to ensure pupils are able to enjoy happy and healthy lives. Staff are extensively trained to meet the medical, physical, communication and sensory needs of learners and activities are designed to build upon this foundation, in an appropriate, cross-curricular, therapeutic and highly sensory manner. To see more information on our Pre-Formal Pathway and classes click here.

Specialist Autistic Pathway

A highly individualised approach, providing a structured and predictable, low stimulus learning environment to meet the complex and diverse needs of pupils. We aim to promote relative independence, engagement, emotional regulation and communication strategies to ensure pupils are able to enjoy happy and healthy lives. Staff are highly trained in autism specific approaches such as SCERTS, TEACCH and Attention Autism. To see more information on our Specialist Autistic Pathway and classes click here.

Semi Formal Curriculum

A holistic approach that makes links between key areas of curricular learning, in a creative and life skills context. An emphasis on independence, problem solving, and communication skills are encompassed in every classroom and beyond, with regular access to the community. There is a commitment to cross-curricular and contextualised learning where pupils are engaged and enthused in real life situations, within a flexible framework, which is responsive to their personalised needs. The concepts of over learning and repetition are key in our semi-formal approach, to support the memory difficulties synonymous with pupils who have severe learning difficulties. To see more information on our Semi-Formal-Pathway and classes click here.





For more information regarding these Curriculum pathways, please contact David Matthews (Curriculum Lead) via the School Office or Contact Us Page.

    To view our Teaching and Learning Policy and our Whole School Assessment Policy click here and view them under general along with our other policies.