Pastoral, Medical & Social Support


Pastoral, Medical and Social Support

At Durham Trinity School & Sports College all staff accept the concept of pastoral care as a shared responsibility. Some pupils have additional medical needs and will require an Individual Health Care Plan. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to keep school informed of any changes. There are opportunities during the school year at the two parents’ evenings and EHCP annual review meeting to discuss any changes.

Some pupils have additional medical needs and will require an Individual Health Plan.

This may include:

  • Specific care plans to manage medical conditions such as epilepsy, asthma, diabetes, tracheostomy, gastrostomy. This may include administration of emergency medication.
  • 1:1 support to support their additional medical needs.
  • Administration of prescribed medication on a regular basis as detailed on the administration of medication form. Identified staff are trained and access refresher training to support specific medical needs.

In addition, pupils may have, as appropriate:

  • An Intimate Care Plan. This will include toileting requirements
  • Behaviour Management Plan, Engagement Plan and Risk Assessment.
  • Moving and Handling Care Plan. The school works in partnership with parents/carers and other agencies to ensure that all aspects of the pupil’s needs are catered for.