Our Staff Team
Durham Trinity School & Sports College is a maintained special school, and we receive our funding from the government via the Local Authority for a financial year (April – March). The spending of this is monitored by the Finance & Premises Committee of the Governing Body on a monthly basis. Currently there is 1 employee with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.
Visiting Specialists
Here is a list of the Visiting Specialists that visit our school:
Educational Psychologist
Local Authority Teacher for the Hearing Impaired
Local Authority Teacher for the Multi-Sensory Impaired
Local Authority peripatetic teacher for music
One Point Personal Advisor
Occupational Therapist
Physiotherapist/ Occupational Therapist Assistant
Speech and Language Therapists and Assistants
School Nurse
Children Mental Health Service
Behaviour Therapy Service
Education Welfare Service
School Counsellor
Parent Contact Information
It is very important to inform school immediately if there is a change of home address, home telephone number, emergency contact number, medication or medical diagnosis. The school uses the Weduc App as a means of communicating to parents. If you require access to the App please contact us for details.
School Meals
Pupils stay on the premises for lunch. They may either bring a packed lunch or take a school meal. Those families who are in receipt of Income Support or Income based Jobseekers allowance are eligible to free school meals. School will provide the relevant form for the person in receipt of the benefit to complete (National Insurance Number and date of birth required). The completed form should be returned to school when it will be forwarded to the Local Authority for verification.